STEMworks Celebrates CS Ed Week! December 5-11, 2022

Happy Computer Science Education Week! STEMworks is excited to celebrate all of our continued efforts to inspire K-12 students to learn Computer Science.

Computer Science Education (CS Ed) Week this week, December 5-11. In celebration of CS Ed week - STEMworks participates in "The Hour of Code" a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials to show that anybody can learn the basics - it is celebrated world wide.

STEMworks has planned a few Hour of Code events that you are welcome to be a part of!

Monday Dec 5 is open to all in grades K-5 from 2:30-3:30pm. Students will participate in an unplugged activity (computers not required! But activity papers need to be printed) "Everybody Dance!". Zoom registration link:

Tuesday Dec 6 is open to all in grades 6-8 from 3-4pm. Students will participate in an online activity (computers/tablets required). Zoom registration link:

Finally on Friday Dec 9 students will participate in Minecraft: Escape Estate! Students in Grades 2 - 12 are welcome. Minecraft Education Edition is required to participate. Zoom registration link:


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