Competitions > ArcGIS StoryMap Competition

Welcome to the Hawaii 2024 ArcGIS StoryMap Competition! Your challenge: Create an ArcGIS StoryMap that tells an important story about your community.

Need Accounts, Training, Coaching? Register your interest here by December 1st, 2023:

Interest Form Link:

StoryMap Competition Details:

DEADLINE to Submit your final StoryMap is Friday, March 22nd, 2024. Winners will be announced at the 2024 STEMMYs award. Please check back in March for the submission link.

This competition is celebration of student problem-solving, storytelling, and analysis with maps. Students should design a custom project and use an ArcGIS Online account, provided by STEMworks, to create a storymap about an important topic in Hawaii. The stories students choose should be meaningful to them, and it often helps to start with a question or problem. Need help thinking of topics? Email

STEMworks will select the top five High School (9-12) and top five Middle School (4-8) "state awardees" each of whom will receive a cash prize of $100. From each set of five, STEMworks will select one "national finalist" to represent our state in the nationwide competition. Esri (circumstances permitting) will select one national winner each at HS and MS levels, who (we expect) will earn trips to the Esri's Education GIS Conference, in San Diego, CA. Winners will further have the opportunity to showcase their storymap to the GIS world in Esri’s main Map Gallery.


  • Open to High School (9-12) and Middle School (4-8) students attending any public school in Hawaii.

  • StoryMaps must be completed by an individual student or teams of up to two students. Storymaps with more than two creators will not be considered.

  • All links provided in the submission form must lead to the correct place and work for storymaps to be considered.

Mentoring is available! Please contact for technical support.

Past Winners:

National Champions: (full results from 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)

Congrats to our 2022 State Winners:

Jairo and Janessa Baguio-Larena from H.P. Baldwin High School titled: The Water Fountain Problem.

Check out their storymap here: The Water Fountain Problem (

Does your school or community site already have ArcGIS software bundle? If not, STEMworks can help set you up with an ArcGIS Online organizational account. Esri offers to all K12 schools (public, nonpublic, and homeschools), districts, and formal youth-serving clubs the ArcGIS School Bundle for free for instructional use, around the world. Email for your licenses.