Eco-learning With EcoQoob

Women in Technology has partnered up with ecoQoob to inspire and excite the next generation leaders on Energy Efficiency with their new educational mobile app that’s currently under development for iOS and Android. This app allows users to become “energy detectives” and find ways for their home to be more efficient by creating their house on the app to see the various electronics around their household and to see how much energy it uses and how much it costs.

ecoQoob Inc. is a green software firm based in Honolulu that develops educational mobile apps and offers free eco-classes for students through third and twelfth grade to discuss our environment, especially on renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency.  In specific, ecoQoob enables users to perform self-energy audits at their homes and schools to raise awareness of an individual’s energy usage.

The ecoQoob team is very passionate about educating next generation leaders on global and environmental issues starting from Hawaii’s youth.

For inquiries and request for the Earth Science, STEM, STEAM focused education classes, please contact